Sunday, April 29, 2007


Backwards modron - Nordom. Queries? Chronology: Modron March.
Destination: Limbo. (Original Destination: Mechanus -> reason
for destination shift unknown. Reason: Lost?) New parameters
dictated by superior: Shaped matter of Plane (Limbo) to test
hypothesis. Rubikon dungeon constructed.

Superior lost in field test. Superior = Nordom? After exposure
to Plane, perspective has deviated from norm. Perceptions have
become smaller and louder. Wings have been replaced with arms:
reason unknown. Suspicion/hypothesis: not liked wings?

Nordom was once "one" but am now smaller, louder "one."
Processing information difficulties.

Two spirits of Rubikon gears assist Nordom. Transformed these-
selves into weapons to defend against Rubikon errors. Their
query: leave this place and shoot other hostile sentients
(goal: adventure?).

Reason for Nordom deviation unknown. Primary function
terminated when Rubikon disintegration reached three cubits
inwards and increasing. Processing functions... functions
re-defined upon arrival of new sentients. Nordom now gear in
new hierarchy.

Designated leader: Addressee. Attention: Nordom follows.

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