Sunday, April 29, 2007


Aye, now what yeh be wantin' to know about me for? Are yeh
jest bored? It's not some grand tale, it isn't, so if yeh're
expecting some epic yeh'd best go rattle yer bone-box at
someone else, jig?

I seen the way yeh look at me tail -- if it'll keep yeh're eyes
to yerself, then I'll tell yeh where it came from: it's a
blessing from me Grand Da... or me Grand Ma, whichever o' them
was the fiend. I'm a tiefling, so I am, with just enough of
the demon blood in me to sprout this tail outta me back. That
blood trickled its way from me Grand Ma n' Grand Da to me...
after passing through me own Ma an Da, whoever they were.

Pharod? Me Da? Ha! Ol' stutter-crutch isn't me Da -- not me
real one anyway. He just fostered me, he did, dragged me outta
the Hive and brought inta his stable.

Don't get him wrong by thinkin' he had a kind bone in his
body... he wasn't shedding no tear for me bein' an orphan -- he
just needed someone to scarp deaders off the streets of the
Hive, an' I'm small enough so I can get inta places his other
boys can't. Plus, most of the gullies in his pack are wee boys
with the fear in 'em, so I end up finding most of the deaders
in places they're too ascared to look. The Dusties pay a nice
bit of copper for the deadies I bring 'em, and Pharod don't
take so much off the top that it leaves me a beggar, so he's
not so bad, I spose.

Enough of yer questions. Now I got some things to say ta YEH,
I do.

I seen the way yeh act, an' yeh need to be told some things if
we're goin' to be travelin' together... first -- don't go
flappin' your bone-box and locking eyes with everyone yeh meet.
That's a sure street to trouble, it is. An' don't be takin'
no one's name in vain or yeh'll be attracting the worst sort of
attention, and right quick, too.

An' one last thing. Don't be thinkin' yeh can treat me like a
cobblestone, neither -- yeh start doin' that, an' I'll take
these blades an' carve yeh, I will.

Me blades? Aye, these dags are mine. I like these punch dags,
I do -- yeh can keep yer axes n' hammers n' clubs -- these
dags are more me style. Yeh just behave yerself, an' yeh won't
be wearing 'em, aye?

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