Wednesday, March 21, 2007

10 Things I Don't Like!!!

Tagged by Dinky Mind!!

1. I don't like people who brag

2. I don't like anyone who disagrees with me in an argument

3. I don't like cricket (I am a huge football freak since 1996)

4. I don't like to go out for groceries

5. I don't like to be ordered (I'm a sore lazy bones)

6. I don't like to study (I've grown so tired of my university life and just wish I graduate soon and get married lolz)

7. I don't like relatives who try to interfere in my life (Gosh, I've got so many)

8. I don't like friends who just try to make a fool outta you (Well, some people would know who I'm referring to)

9. I don't like politics (National, International, and the office politics and the education level)

10. I don't like Pakistani movies (I hate all the Pakistani actors and actresses, they are such losers)

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