Sunday, April 29, 2007


No more talk and wander... Ignusss wishesss to BURNNN...

Ignusss burnsssss... sssooo long ago... yet...


Once... Ignussss knew NOTHING of flamessss... ssset ssssmall
firesss, tiny flamesss, tiny flickeringssss...

The firessss grew... Ignussss ssset firessss in their
streetssss... and lit the firessss of anger in their

They sssought to punisssh Ignus, the ssmall fliesss from the
Hive. They wissshed to sssee Ignusss BURNNN after Ignusss
ssset fire to their ssstreets...

...tiny magelingsss, hedge wizzardsss, runecasterssss... tiny
sparks of magic came to PUNISSSSH Ignusss for hurting their
loved onessss... they sssentenced Ignusssss to BURNNNN, made
Ignussss a TORCH, a sssspitting FLAME, burning, burning...

It wassss JUSSSTICE, they sssaid...

...but it was not a sentence...

...there is ssoooo much flamessss and painnn that there issss
NO pain... there issss LIGHT, and HEAT, and the flesssh
runsss as TALLOW acrosss my bonessss...

...and for the firssst time...

...Ignussss wasss PLEASSSSED...

When the Planessss burnnnn and all life is torchesss, then
Ignusss ssshall at lassst... be at peace...

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