Monday, April 30, 2007

Quote of the Day!!!

"Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them".


Sunday, April 29, 2007


I am Vhailor. I am a Mercykiller. I am justice.

It is my past. It is my present. It is my future.

All who are guilty shall be punished. I shall not rest until
the sentences of the condemned have been carried out.

Mercy is for the weak. Punishment breaks souls and makes them
worthy of service to their superiors. When the number of
martyrs is great enough, rebellion crumbles.

Know this, and know my heart: There is only one truth in the
multiverse. The multiverse shall be sharpened upon the blade
of justice. With justice as its whetstone, the multiverse
shall achieve perfection.


Backwards modron - Nordom. Queries? Chronology: Modron March.
Destination: Limbo. (Original Destination: Mechanus -> reason
for destination shift unknown. Reason: Lost?) New parameters
dictated by superior: Shaped matter of Plane (Limbo) to test
hypothesis. Rubikon dungeon constructed.

Superior lost in field test. Superior = Nordom? After exposure
to Plane, perspective has deviated from norm. Perceptions have
become smaller and louder. Wings have been replaced with arms:
reason unknown. Suspicion/hypothesis: not liked wings?

Nordom was once "one" but am now smaller, louder "one."
Processing information difficulties.

Two spirits of Rubikon gears assist Nordom. Transformed these-
selves into weapons to defend against Rubikon errors. Their
query: leave this place and shoot other hostile sentients
(goal: adventure?).

Reason for Nordom deviation unknown. Primary function
terminated when Rubikon disintegration reached three cubits
inwards and increasing. Processing functions... functions
re-defined upon arrival of new sentients. Nordom now gear in
new hierarchy.

Designated leader: Addressee. Attention: Nordom follows.


No more talk and wander... Ignusss wishesss to BURNNN...

Ignusss burnsssss... sssooo long ago... yet...


Once... Ignussss knew NOTHING of flamessss... ssset ssssmall
firesss, tiny flamesss, tiny flickeringssss...

The firessss grew... Ignussss ssset firessss in their
streetssss... and lit the firessss of anger in their

They sssought to punisssh Ignus, the ssmall fliesss from the
Hive. They wissshed to sssee Ignusss BURNNN after Ignusss
ssset fire to their ssstreets...

...tiny magelingsss, hedge wizzardsss, runecasterssss... tiny
sparks of magic came to PUNISSSSH Ignusss for hurting their
loved onessss... they sssentenced Ignusssss to BURNNNN, made
Ignussss a TORCH, a sssspitting FLAME, burning, burning...

It wassss JUSSSTICE, they sssaid...

...but it was not a sentence...

...there is ssoooo much flamessss and painnn that there issss
NO pain... there issss LIGHT, and HEAT, and the flesssh
runsss as TALLOW acrosss my bonessss...

...and for the firssst time...

...Ignussss wasss PLEASSSSED...

When the Planessss burnnnn and all life is torchesss, then
Ignusss ssshall at lassst... be at peace...


My past is not a long one, at least by tanar'ri standards. I do
not know if you are familiar with the tanar'ri, but we are a
race of the Abyss, a staggered series of Planes filled with
chaos and evil hearts.

I am a tanar'ri, a fiend, a succubus... I grew up upon the
first plane of the Abyss. My mother was a succubus herself --
as I'm sure you are aware, succubi tempt mortals to bring their
souls to the Abyss. My mother was among the finest, seducing
countless mortal men to their eternal damnation. She now
dwells in the Abyss, selling her children into slavery.

She sold me to the baatezu, the blood enemies of the tanar'ri.
I think she rather expected that they would kill me -- despite
her knowledge of other subjects, she knows little of their
culture and the delight they take in tormenting others.

Fortunately, the baatezu are a proud species. The thought a
tanar'ri could best them at anything was something intolerable
to them. So I challenged one of the proudest of the balor to a
contest of improvisation, and it was here that my tanar'ri
heart allowed me to win the day. The tanar'ri are chaotic
creatures, wild and unpredictable. The baatezu are more
cunning fiends, with orderly hearts. They understand
improvisation, but they are not among its best practitioners.
And thus, I won my freedom.

That was a very long time ago. I left the lower planes for
Sigil. I encountered the Society of Sensation, and my
experiences upon the baatezu instilled in me a desire to learn
more of the multiverse.

Why? I believe there is a truth to the multiverse... even if
that truth is that there is no truth at all. I believe that
the Planes are meant to be experienced, and the more one
experiences, in traveling, in joy, in pain, in merriment or in
suffering, the more the multiverse reveals itself to you...

And the more you are revealed to yourself.


Aye, now what yeh be wantin' to know about me for? Are yeh
jest bored? It's not some grand tale, it isn't, so if yeh're
expecting some epic yeh'd best go rattle yer bone-box at
someone else, jig?

I seen the way yeh look at me tail -- if it'll keep yeh're eyes
to yerself, then I'll tell yeh where it came from: it's a
blessing from me Grand Da... or me Grand Ma, whichever o' them
was the fiend. I'm a tiefling, so I am, with just enough of
the demon blood in me to sprout this tail outta me back. That
blood trickled its way from me Grand Ma n' Grand Da to me...
after passing through me own Ma an Da, whoever they were.

Pharod? Me Da? Ha! Ol' stutter-crutch isn't me Da -- not me
real one anyway. He just fostered me, he did, dragged me outta
the Hive and brought inta his stable.

Don't get him wrong by thinkin' he had a kind bone in his
body... he wasn't shedding no tear for me bein' an orphan -- he
just needed someone to scarp deaders off the streets of the
Hive, an' I'm small enough so I can get inta places his other
boys can't. Plus, most of the gullies in his pack are wee boys
with the fear in 'em, so I end up finding most of the deaders
in places they're too ascared to look. The Dusties pay a nice
bit of copper for the deadies I bring 'em, and Pharod don't
take so much off the top that it leaves me a beggar, so he's
not so bad, I spose.

Enough of yer questions. Now I got some things to say ta YEH,
I do.

I seen the way yeh act, an' yeh need to be told some things if
we're goin' to be travelin' together... first -- don't go
flappin' your bone-box and locking eyes with everyone yeh meet.
That's a sure street to trouble, it is. An' don't be takin'
no one's name in vain or yeh'll be attracting the worst sort of
attention, and right quick, too.

An' one last thing. Don't be thinkin' yeh can treat me like a
cobblestone, neither -- yeh start doin' that, an' I'll take
these blades an' carve yeh, I will.

Me blades? Aye, these dags are mine. I like these punch dags,
I do -- yeh can keep yer axes n' hammers n' clubs -- these
dags are more me style. Yeh just behave yerself, an' yeh won't
be wearing 'em, aye?


My past is not known to you. It is not my will that you
should know it.

Know that I bear the scars of one who has travelled the
Planes. Know that I have never rested long in any one place.
Know that I bear the weight of one who has travelled far to be
in this place.

Know that I am a Githzerai. Know that I am of the people of

It was Zerthimon who knew the Githzerai before we knew
ourselves. He knew what had to be done to free us. From his
knowing, came action. From his knowing, freedom was born.
The Githzerai ceased to be slaves and became a people.

Know that I follow the Unbroken Circle of Zerthimon. His words
are known to me. His heart is known to me.

All that remains is that I know myself.


Of course you got questions about me -- you probably have
questions about ALL sorts of things. Let me boil it down for
you: when you've been as dead as long as I have... without
arms, legs, or anything else, you spend a lot of time thinking,
y'know? I figure it's been a few hundred years since I got
penned in the dead book, but time doesn't really tally up the
way it used to... without that mortality thing pressing down on
you, all the days and nights kind of blend together. So you
think about this, and you think about that... and the most
important piece of wisdom I've learned over the past hundred or
so years is this: There's a LOT more obscene gestures you can
make with your eyes and your jaw than most people think.
Without even resorting to insults or taunting, you can really
light a bonfire under someone just with the right combination
of eye movements and jaw clicking. Drives them barmy! If you
ever get beheaded and your skin flayed from your skull, I'll
show you how it's done. I got some real gems, chief -- they'd
drive a deva to murder, they would.

I know what you're thinking: I'm dead. I've lost so much. It
should have sobered me up to all that joy I missed, all those
loves I've lost. Some people get all depressed about death --
they haven't TRIED it, of course -- but one thing they never
seem to realize is how it changes your perspective on things;
it really makes you take a second look at life, broaden your
horizons. For me, it's pretty much made me realize how many
dead chits are in this berg and how few sharp-tongued men like
myself there are to go around -- you spin the wheel right, and
your years of spending nights alone are over!

Shallow? I'm not shallow. I just don't get caught up in all
that philosophy and faith and belief wash that every berk from
Arborea to the Gray Waste rattle their jaws about. Who cares?
The Planes are what they are, you're what you are, and if it
changes, fine, but things aren't bad the way they are -- and I
should know. Go on, ask me some questions about the Planes, or
the chant, or the people, or the cultures -- when you end up
like me -- without eyelids, that is -- you end up seeing a lot
of things, and I can tell you almost everything you need to

It's like this: We're in this together, chief. Until this is
over, I stick to your leg.

The Nameless One

I feel like I've woken up inside someone's dream. I don't know who I am... I don't know how I got here... and I don't know how to get out.

First thing I remember is crawling off a metal slab in some vaulted
monstrosity called the Mortuary, and some floating skull asking me a bunch
of damned questions.

I've lost my memory, I've lost my possessions, and the only thing I seem to
know is that I can get stabbed, beaten, burned... and I get better. This
regeneration of mine hasn't done much for my looks, but no one seems to

I need to figure out who I am and how I got this way... I feel like
something's missing, something inside, but I don't know what.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Quote of the Day!!!

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one."

Elbert Hubbard
(1856 - 1915)

How to Save a Life!!!

It's yet another great song, the lyrics are awsome, and I literally fell into tears when I first heard this song, and it is now one of my favorite songs

Artist: The Fray
Album: How To Save A Life
Year: 2005
Title: How To Save A Life

Step one you say we need to talk
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
And you begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

Let him know that you know best
Cause after all you do know best
Try to slip past his defense
Without granting innocence
Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along
And pray to God he hears you
And pray to God he hears you

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

As he begins to raise his voice
You lower yours and grant him one last choice
Drive until you lose the road
Or break with the ones you've followed
He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you'll begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

Back on the Road Again!!!

I'm back, went to my brother's wedding, and boy, was that a long trip... came back on the 5th of April, but got busy with my mid-term exams!!!

The wedding was quite fun, with only a few bad events....

I had a morning flight at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, 1st of April, to Lahore... there I stayed at my aunt's home in Defence ;-) , what a kool place it was, HUUUUUUUGEE!!!
My mum had left for Multan 2 days prior, and so she was coming by road from Multan to Lahore on the 1st of April, with my grand ma, and a few other close relatives, but there was an accident on the National Highway, and one of my cousins, she had a nasty head injury and got 5 stitches due to the accident, and my grand dad got a few bruises, rest were ok...

Naturally, we got worried, but thankfully, all was fine... except for my cousin getting 5 stitches, and she's so much better now....

Next day, we went to Islamabad, for the wedding, it was great, and I got to become one of the witnesses, after all, it was my brother's wedding....

So, here I am, sitting inside the lab of my university, had a few eventful weeks gone by, working on my thesis, and hoping, that the day, when would get married, come by soon ;-)

Cheers Folks!!! :-)