Saturday, September 09, 2006

KESC Rulz!!!

After today, ive become a huge admirer ov the KESC wala's!!!
we had a power failure due to an exploding PMT at around 7:00 am today...oh, n let me tell u one more thing, i was fasting today....
so, it was a PMT explosion, n no power....n guess what, the power came back at 7:00 pm in the evening...where is the humanity i ask u!!!
12 hours ov non stop torture n yet we call ourselves civilized creatures...

during the day, while fasting, i had to go to the Standard Chartered Bank and Askari Bank to make my Credit Card payments...n then i walked all the way to Jumbo books just to buy a couple ov books...i didn't even get the Services Marketing book that i really needed!!!

got back home n mom handed me a list of groceries that i had to bring home, n do keep in mind that i have a habit ov forgetting atleast one item!!
fortunately, i didn't forget anything today!!! i was so exhausted that i needed not just a nap but a complete 12 hour sleep, but i just took a very short nap....but i must say, it did wonders n i felt tired no more...
then it was iftar time, n i cudn't help n jump on the food...but having just a few things, i went to offer the maghreb prayers, n when the power was back, played CSI 2: Dark Motives, an awsum game if u ask me!!!

then i had another power failure at around 10:00 returned shortly, but pain in the hiney, if u ask me!!!
what a day, a real cursed day no doubt!!! curse those dirty rotten KESC pirates!!!



Anonymous said...

You guys have got loadsa loadsa patience, i must say. If i had been at your place, i would have gone and punched straight in the noses of those KESC walas.

Hate zem!!!!

umuj said...

well, thats the point, it wasn't ur area, it was mine...and we had to bear with their atrocious malignance!!!
and the worst thing is, that we are still having major blackouts...
God, plz help us!!!