Thursday, September 21, 2006

Power Failures!!

well, these last couple ov days have been hell for me, as we had a major power failure and the power cables were even burnt... i was totally exhausted and there was a constant black out in my locality... the KESC walas asked for Rs.15,000 for the repairs and we tried to collect that amount from our neighbors as well... finally we got to manage 12,000 bucks...
i must add, the UNION of our appartments is awful and corrupted to the roots... not a single person was willing to help us out, so we had to do everything ourselves...imagine the frustration...what a disasterrific situation...
so, I had to come up with a solution, and went to get an electrician alongwith my neighbor friend... we brought the electrician and did some hectic stuff and managed to run a couple of fans and neon lights, and hopefully, the direct power is expected to come back today at midday... lets see what happens...
what we actually did was, get a connection from our neighbors, and share some power, we will ofcourse compensate in the bills...
lotsa prayers our needed folks, so plz pray for us....

Cheers Folks!!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I am really starting to fall in love with the KESC people!!

Its amazing, how the KESC people make our lives, the civilized people worthwile!!
They provide us with electricity, value added services, and a glimpse of hell in our lives here, so that we may avoid the sinful life and start offering our prayers!!

I am having a power faliure for the last 36 hours and there is no hope of any recovery for atleast the next 24 hours....i might as well write a will beforehand, because i might need it in the near future!!!

Crazy as it may sound, but ive given up hope!!!

cheers folks!!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Fresher's Night!!!

What an amazing party it was, full of fun and excitement....for all others there!! not for me...
i didn't seem to be enjoying the concert or that stupid roll.....but there was something of great interest for me there!!!
im not telling u ofcourse!!!
the bset part was, when the friend who was supposed to take me back home, left me and messaged me after 30 minutes, that he had to go to his granny's...imagine my fury, when i read the was awful, now how was i supposed to go back home!!!
well, i got lucky, and after waiting for an hour, i managed to hire an auto rickshaw, and went home safe and sound!!!

phew, that was close!!!

cheers folks!!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Will someone please explain?

Does anyone really believe that Arnold's mentality has changed since his sword wielding Conan days? Doesn't anyone remember his answer to what is good in life? If you Californians have forgotten, let Umuj remind you.

Question to Conan
Conan, what is great in life?

"Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!"

Saturday, September 09, 2006

KESC Rulz!!!

After today, ive become a huge admirer ov the KESC wala's!!!
we had a power failure due to an exploding PMT at around 7:00 am today...oh, n let me tell u one more thing, i was fasting today....
so, it was a PMT explosion, n no power....n guess what, the power came back at 7:00 pm in the evening...where is the humanity i ask u!!!
12 hours ov non stop torture n yet we call ourselves civilized creatures...

during the day, while fasting, i had to go to the Standard Chartered Bank and Askari Bank to make my Credit Card payments...n then i walked all the way to Jumbo books just to buy a couple ov books...i didn't even get the Services Marketing book that i really needed!!!

got back home n mom handed me a list of groceries that i had to bring home, n do keep in mind that i have a habit ov forgetting atleast one item!!
fortunately, i didn't forget anything today!!! i was so exhausted that i needed not just a nap but a complete 12 hour sleep, but i just took a very short nap....but i must say, it did wonders n i felt tired no more...
then it was iftar time, n i cudn't help n jump on the food...but having just a few things, i went to offer the maghreb prayers, n when the power was back, played CSI 2: Dark Motives, an awsum game if u ask me!!!

then i had another power failure at around 10:00 returned shortly, but pain in the hiney, if u ask me!!!
what a day, a real cursed day no doubt!!! curse those dirty rotten KESC pirates!!!


Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Ive added a new section by the heading "Downloads"...
im gunna add songs, specially my favorite one's, soon...u can download the songs from there!!!!
and if anyone wants any songs that u haven't been able to find (classics or even new songs), and desperately want that song, just comment on my most recent blog, telling me about that song...if i have that song, i'll upload it for u to download!!!!

cheers folks!!!

Don't You Feel It Sometimes Too??

In life u always meet people and make friends that u consider very dear and think ov them as ur best friends....and yet, at some point in life u get ditched or backstabbed by them....
and then u feel as if ur whole world has come crashing down on u...but in time u heal and make new friends and then someone new becomes ur best friend but again it happens...u again get backstabbed...
its happened to me so many times, and yet u wud expect me to learn from it...but everytime i feel shattered, yet again i get back on my feet and fight the disappointment....again i make new friends and again they disappoint me...well, its happened to me again recently...
i can't help it...its not in my nature to stop trusting people, i sumhow, get over times, i really hate myself for that...but no matter how hard i try, i keep trusting people....

well, i can only pray that people wud be more considerate over the feelings ov other people...u never know, sumday u might end up hurting urself....
n i pray, that every single person wud have real trustworthy friends, that wud always be their support, throughout their lives, Amen!!!!

God Bless you folks!!!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Math Genius!!!

Here is a forwarded post, that i thot was real funny....
im posting it just for the heck ov it!!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Back to School (University)

Today the university reopened...and my first day as an MBA student...the day wuz awful if u ask fun n plenty to study for the first day...

anywayz, i wuz feeling really grouchy today, nothing amazing happen anyway...
but plenty more to come ur way, so dun worry....

cheers folks!!!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Celebrations are in order!!!

Yaay!! tomorrow's a big be going to the university tomorrow as an MBA student now, my very first day...ive never been so excited about the university being re-opened...and MBA is not the reason for my excitement, there's something else that im not gunna tell u...hehe!!!

anyhow, i got myself a haircut, cuz me face is to cute to hide behind me hair...lolz, j/k!! actually, my head felt so heavy that is why i got a haircut, and the hair were a mess i feel so much better and light headed...
anywayz, now that the university is being re-opened, plenty of stuff is sure to come ur way take loadsa care until then...

cheers folks!!!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

What an awful day!!!

Today was one of the most awful days ov my friend made a request to help him out with his presentation and be there as audience...he picked me up from my place at 8:00 am, n then it took so long for the ma'am to arrive, and the presentations started at 10:30 am...
finally, free at last at 12:30 pm, but what the finance teacher came to me and asked me to volunteer for a finance seminar that was due at 6:00 pm...i cudnt refuse cuz im not at good terms with him, he could skin me alive for what hez capable ov....
anywayz, i said i'll back home at around 1:15 pm...took a nap after lunch, but my frienz started calling me at 2:30 pm, to come to the seminar, they literally forced i had to go...i got to the university (again) at around 5:15pm. but the seminar didn't even start till 6:45 pm...
anyhow, it ended around 8:30 pm. and then we went to Arizona Grill for dinner... i had steaks and lottsa salad there (so scrumptious)

finally got back at around 10:00pm....and man, i was totally exhausted...

i slept right away to end the day, but mum woke me up a little earlier (moments ago), cuz we have to wish my grandmother after midnite...
boy, what day!!!

cheers folks!!!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Quotes about Honesty

You just have to love quotes and aphorisms because they are such pure reflections of collective cultural wisdom. And... they just happen to make light, fun blog reading as well, a necessary counterpoint to quantum math and such. So, I was about to trash these quotes, a collection I put together when I used to read almost every quote in sight and was crazy about them, but thought to put them instead in a box here so they can boggle the mind of more than just this one solitary admirerer (of sorts) of societal hypocrisy embedded within our wisdemonic heritage:

An honest man does not make himself a dog for the sake of a bone. - Danish Proverbs
It is better to be poor and honest than wealthy and dishonest - Proverbs
Kings take pleasure in honest lips; they value a man who speaks the truth. - The Bible
The honesty of the upright guides them; the faithless are ruined by their duplicity. - The Bible
Honesty is praised while it starves. - Latin proverb
The surest way to remain poor is to be an honest man. - French Proverb
Rather than tell a lie to help a friend, it is better to assist him in paying the fine for his offense. - Nigerian proverb
An honest Man will receive neither Money nor Praise that is not his Due. - English proverb
Slander cannot destroy an honest man - when the flood recedes the rock is there. - Chinese proverb
An honest man is hurt by praise unjustly bestowed - French Proverb
Nothing resembles an honest man more than a cheat. - French proverb

He is not an honest man who will burn his tongue and not tell the company that the soup is hot. - Balkan proverb
The thief who finds no opportunity to steal, considers himself an honest man - The Talmud
A cynic is a person searching for an honest man, with a stolen lantern -Edgar Shoaff

and, of course, the King of triteful nothing sayings, one that gives all aphorisms a bad name...

Honesty is the best policy - English Proverb

10 Guiding Principles

1. Be betterer. What does 1 + 1 equal? 2 is the right answer. Everybody knows that. But 1+1 also = 2 or 3 or more if, not to offend the anti-emotion business sensibility, one is referring to the unity of love or the multiplicity of procreation. To my way of thinking 1 and 3 are both betterer answers than 2, but you have to shift the mental gaze a wee tad to get there from here and that takes a bit of work.

2. Shift the Gaze. It takes but a miniscule shift of focus, a squint of the eyes or barely perceptible jog of focus to the left or right to rediscover, as if for the very first time, all those things we thought we knew at the edges of our peripheral vision.

3. Form Should Follow Desire. Most of us desire a better world for -- oh, that dreaded emotion again -- the children we have or hope one day to have. Shall we simply "hope" for that better future or maybe do a thing or two to help make that future happen? Put up or shut up. Don't talk the talk if you won't walk the walk. That's bad form.

4. In business the Client is NOT always right. Believe me. I've watched you pick the ugliest design far too often and subjective opinion only goes so far. Then again, you often ARE right. It's why the dialectic is so critically important to the process of design and communications. I consider every engagement I am involved in a partnership.

5. I know what I know but not much else. I suspect, however, many things and aim to figure out if I was right.

6. Point of view. I have one. Yes. I really do. And I WILL inject that view into my work.

7. Nothing is impossible. Some things are just more likely.

8. Please, don't tell me "everybody does it" and expect me to just agree with you. That's irresponsible. And especially don't tell me I'm wrong if no one does it, but ought to.

9. Please, don't waste my time with respect to professionaI issues. I care about my clients too much to have it not be reciprocal and I will fire bad clients because I can throw good time in after bad, but that'simply bad business. No one wins in the end and the opportunity cost -- time well spent -- far outweighs the immediate short term gain.

10. Civility is never anachronistic. Call me old-fashioned, but while I greatly appreciate the thank you's I have received in response to expressions such as "Please," "thank you" and "you're welcome," I am somewhat non-plused by the utter astonishment that accompanies them. Common courtesy and respect for basic human dignity should never go out of style to the point where it becomes a "value add" in the course of daily life.


well, i wuz bored so i thought, i shud do sumthing to kill the time...
so herez a little sumthing...n guess who this iz?....