I went to the university today, but it turns out, they were having a convocation of some previous batch...they were'nt letting anyone in, but hey, i got my resources, hehe!!!
i had to pay my dues actually, and wanted to get it over with quick, so i went inside and paid them...
now FINALLY, im registered for MBA...well, that was easy...now, only one thing remains to be done, now i have to get that clearance done and withdraw my caution money that i had submitted for my BBA...
things are goin pretty neat these days, thank God, and i hope they continue like this for a few more days, specially monday...
now im not gunna tell anyone why monday is so special...lolz!!!
cheers folks!!!
You lie awake at night ; With blue eyes that never cry.. And if we feel this silence holding us inside... Everything means more now than words could explain...
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Usual day!!
Nothing unusual about today....
went to the bank n got a pay order prepared, then went to the uni to see if i can get the result before hand, but no luck...then got the clearance form n almost got it completely filled n signed, but the PC Office refused cuz my result is not out yet....
came back home a little late today...had lunch...then tried to take a nap but cudnt get this one thing outta my mind, so didn't sleep then....
later my frienz came to celebrate my freedom, went out n had a few drinks (not booze, mind u)....but i wuz not havin any fun so asked them to retire for today n we'd celebrate sum oda day...
then just went to la la land all ov a sudden while watching the tele....
woke up at around 9:00pm...
n then got the news that one of my uncle's mom has just died, got so sad n nervous cuz im so bad at condolences....
anyhow, went to condole him....
came back home n now im here, online!!!
cheers folks!!!!
went to the bank n got a pay order prepared, then went to the uni to see if i can get the result before hand, but no luck...then got the clearance form n almost got it completely filled n signed, but the PC Office refused cuz my result is not out yet....
came back home a little late today...had lunch...then tried to take a nap but cudnt get this one thing outta my mind, so didn't sleep then....
later my frienz came to celebrate my freedom, went out n had a few drinks (not booze, mind u)....but i wuz not havin any fun so asked them to retire for today n we'd celebrate sum oda day...
then just went to la la land all ov a sudden while watching the tele....
woke up at around 9:00pm...
n then got the news that one of my uncle's mom has just died, got so sad n nervous cuz im so bad at condolences....
anyhow, went to condole him....
came back home n now im here, online!!!
cheers folks!!!!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Exam is over!!!
aaah, free atlast...
this time im sure im gunna pass this course, cuz i aced it today...the paper wuz so easy, i knew everything...i just kept going n going...my teacher wuz staring at me constantly, not cuz of any suspicious behavior from me, but cuz i filled 4 extra sheets...
anyhow, im sure to clear the course this time, n that too with a great grade....but plz, still keep praying for me...
ive even registered for my MBA 3 semester n gunna pay the fee on 31st August, so that all the formalities are done....
cheers folks!!!!
this time im sure im gunna pass this course, cuz i aced it today...the paper wuz so easy, i knew everything...i just kept going n going...my teacher wuz staring at me constantly, not cuz of any suspicious behavior from me, but cuz i filled 4 extra sheets...
anyhow, im sure to clear the course this time, n that too with a great grade....but plz, still keep praying for me...
ive even registered for my MBA 3 semester n gunna pay the fee on 31st August, so that all the formalities are done....
cheers folks!!!!
Monday, August 28, 2006
tit bit of the day
Hell I haven't been in a writing mood AT ALL lately, don't know why, but so it is :) Here's just a little something one of my friends forwarded to me, thought I'd share it with ya'all :)

Blog Skin!!
somebody said, that i wont be able to fix a nice template, but here i am, relaxing and feeling very satisfied for fixing up a great template for my blogspot....
so tell me folks, how do u like this template, pretty neat na...
cheers folks!!!
so tell me folks, how do u like this template, pretty neat na...
cheers folks!!!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Free template Setting Offer
Yesterday, i wuz offered a complete service for new templates and setting them up by a very good friend ov mine...im thinking about getting help from her cuz i really like her blog spot...its soo kool...
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Happy Holidays!!!
aaahhh, finally, i didn't go to the university today...i wanted a break cuz i have a 3 hour lecture session in the morning...so i took the day off, laid back and relaxed today...woke up late...offered my Jumma prayers and had lunch then....
n later at around 8:00 pm, i had a pwr failure, after such a long time now...but who cares, a power failure is a power failure, right...
anyhow, it wuz a very relaxing day today....
cheers folks...
n later at around 8:00 pm, i had a pwr failure, after such a long time now...but who cares, a power failure is a power failure, right...
anyhow, it wuz a very relaxing day today....
cheers folks...
Thursday, August 24, 2006
hey....today sumthing amazing happened....well, sumthing bad happened first, last night i had a fight with my best friend...we both dint talk much after that....
so i decided to visit my friends place today, n surprise the friend, and make peace....even though i wuz still carrying a little haze, but i still went to my friend's place....
first i went to another friend, who lives nearby, had lunch there, n sum tea...then a Japanese lady showed up at this friend's place with her cute daughter[:P] and not that i was paying any attention....anyway, i wuz getting late, and losing my patience, for i had to go n wave the white flag for my angry friend...
finally, we went outside, took the car, and parked it at a very far corner, then i called my friend, and just showed up at my friend's home...
my friend wuz sure as hell, surprised and happy....we immediately forgave one another for our mis behavior....and now, we're back on our old terms, infact even better...
i hope our friendship remains forever, Amen....
cheers folks!!!
so i decided to visit my friends place today, n surprise the friend, and make peace....even though i wuz still carrying a little haze, but i still went to my friend's place....
first i went to another friend, who lives nearby, had lunch there, n sum tea...then a Japanese lady showed up at this friend's place with her cute daughter[:P] and not that i was paying any attention....anyway, i wuz getting late, and losing my patience, for i had to go n wave the white flag for my angry friend...
finally, we went outside, took the car, and parked it at a very far corner, then i called my friend, and just showed up at my friend's home...
my friend wuz sure as hell, surprised and happy....we immediately forgave one another for our mis behavior....and now, we're back on our old terms, infact even better...
i hope our friendship remains forever, Amen....
cheers folks!!!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Tag, ur it....
1. Male friend: Mohsin and Saqib.....both at an equal scale...
2. Female friend: Sushma Upadhyay & Sammy Close
3. Vacation: Greece.....i'd love to meet Aphrodite....
1. Time of day: wake up time....sux big time...
2. Day of the week: Sunday, i have to go do grocery for mom, n that sux too
3. Color crayon: White....no matter how hard i try, i can never see that color on white paper
1. Person you talked to that goes to your school: Mansoor uz Zaman
2. Talked to on the phone: My bro....lives in Isloo
3. Text: Telenor!
4. Person who instant messaged you: Faizi
1. what are you doing now: Praying that i dun get a pwr failure, else this blog wud go to waste...
2. Wearing: Jeans and T - shirt
1. Is: Sunday, August 20th, 2006! whats the reason for asking
2. Got any plans: ya, got a lotta grocery to do
3. Goal: Sleep through the entire day....i knw that never gunna happen
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: Holiday
1. Number: 8
2. Song: Hanging By a Moment by Lifehouse
3. Color: Blue
1. Missing someone: my bro and my Dad the most
2. Mood: Just wanna get this over with
3. Wanting: Fly to the other side of the world
I am a cuddler: yea...
I am a morning person: yeppers....every single day
I am a perfectionist: not really....i dun care about perfection, but everything i do, turns out to be perfect....
I am an only child: No, but the only cool one...
I am currently suffering from a broken heart: yaa...can i plz get some sooper glue? hehe, nah, no broken heart....
I am left handed: tried to be, but no luck...
I am addicted to Blogging: No, im new to it...
I am online 24/7: No, what do u think, i own a cable network or sumthing...
I am very shy around the opposite gender: Not shy, but quite reserved...
I can be paranoid at times: To myself only...
I currently have a crush on someone: Crush? i am not familiar with the word...hehe...
I currently regret something that I have done: nopes, i never regret anything...if i didn't make any mistake in the first place, how wud i learn then...
I enjoy country music: Definitely
I enjoy smoothies: yea
I enjoy talking on the phone: Hate it....can never figure out what to talk about....
I have a hard time paying attention at school/work: Yes, i luv Table Tennis, thats where ul find me, at the Table Tennis area, specially when the uni is about to close...
I have a hidden talent: Ive been trying to figure it out...no luck so far, but im sure that there must be sumthing hidden....
I have a lot to learn: Ya, my ABCs....
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal: hmmmm...No...hey, its true
1. Are you currently mad at someone? Ya, everyone, except for just one person...
2. Which of your friends has the worst temper? I'm the one with the worst temper, everyone is afraid ov my temper...
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone: Ya, i once threw a battery at my cousin and it hit his eye....
4. Ever something was thrown at you: Cash....lolz
5. When you’re mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell and scream? Yell and Scream....
1. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party for you: ya, i get such birthday parties....
2. Are you easily excited: ya, sure....
3. What you’re most excited about:: Computer games
4. If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought? Its gunna take me a year to count all this cash....
5. If you could have anything right now what would it be? A Library...
1. Name: Muhammad Umair Akram Shah....(ive been asked to shorten my name, but why shud i?)
2. Where were you born? Ask my mom....
3. What’s your main goal in life? Be a better person...
4. How do you want to die? il leave that to the God to decide...
1. Sex before marriage? il think about it....seriously, no..im a religious person....
2. Gay Marriage? stop it already.....
3. Lower the Drinking age? id say, reduce the life by drinking....its bad for ur health....
4. Recycling? what exactly r we recycling here....ya, sure, that wud be great...
1. What was your latest dream? i was at the uni, n everyone wuz my slave...
2. Have any of your dreams come true? A lot of them...
3. What was the weirdest dream you’ve ever had: well, i am not in the habit ov telling my dreams to other people....but hey, if u wana know, contact me in peson...
4: How many beds did you lay in yesterday? 2
5: What color shirt are you wearing? Black
6: Name one thing that you do everyday? send text messages
7: How much cash do you have on you right now? 184500
8: When was the last time you saw your dad? some 3 and a half years ago...til he was still alive...
9: When was the last time you saw your mom? an hour ago
10: What did you have for dinner last night? chicken and roti, and coke
11: What’s the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone? never borrow n never lend
12: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? orkut n yahoo
13: Does anything hurt on your body right now? my head
1. Have you ever failed a class?: ya, just once...a few months back
2. Have you ever sung in front of a crowd? ya, im a professional singer ;-) il be soon
3. Have you ever not taken a shower for 3 days? never, i cant stand the gross odour
4. Have you ever slept with a night light? as a matter of fact, i have...at my grand mumz place
5. Have you ever danced in the rain? uhh, r we supposed to? never
6. Have you ever lied? who doesn't....
7. Have you ever tripped over something stupid? yaa, stairs are the most common thing, n that too, in front of chicks...
1. Samosa, Pakora, Kebab: oh, cant i pick all three, i wud go for pakoras...
2. Bollywood, Lollywood and Hollywood: Hollywood
3. Love marriage, Arranged marriage: Love
4. Honeymoon, no moon: Honeymoon....
5. How many kids would u like 1,2, 3+ : 2, a boy n a girl
6. Kulfi, Ice cream: Ice cream, so can i have my pick now (i want a feast)
7. Shah ruk khan, Orlando Bloom: uhmm, how about none of the above...why isnt Johnny Depp here?
8. Meenar-e-Pakistan, Eiffel Tower: Eiffel Tower, cuz ive seen it...not for real dumbo, on TV...
9. Lahore, Khi, Islmbad : Karachi, cuz i live here...Islamabad, cuz its got the hottest chicks, n Lahore, cuz its got great food...
All, who have not been tagged
1. Male friend: Mohsin and Saqib.....both at an equal scale...
2. Female friend: Sushma Upadhyay & Sammy Close
3. Vacation: Greece.....i'd love to meet Aphrodite....
1. Time of day: wake up time....sux big time...
2. Day of the week: Sunday, i have to go do grocery for mom, n that sux too
3. Color crayon: White....no matter how hard i try, i can never see that color on white paper
1. Person you talked to that goes to your school: Mansoor uz Zaman
2. Talked to on the phone: My bro....lives in Isloo
3. Text: Telenor!
4. Person who instant messaged you: Faizi
1. what are you doing now: Praying that i dun get a pwr failure, else this blog wud go to waste...
2. Wearing: Jeans and T - shirt
1. Is: Sunday, August 20th, 2006! whats the reason for asking
2. Got any plans: ya, got a lotta grocery to do
3. Goal: Sleep through the entire day....i knw that never gunna happen
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: Holiday
1. Number: 8
2. Song: Hanging By a Moment by Lifehouse
3. Color: Blue
1. Missing someone: my bro and my Dad the most
2. Mood: Just wanna get this over with
3. Wanting: Fly to the other side of the world
I am a cuddler: yea...
I am a morning person: yeppers....every single day
I am a perfectionist: not really....i dun care about perfection, but everything i do, turns out to be perfect....
I am an only child: No, but the only cool one...
I am currently suffering from a broken heart: yaa...can i plz get some sooper glue? hehe, nah, no broken heart....
I am left handed: tried to be, but no luck...
I am addicted to Blogging: No, im new to it...
I am online 24/7: No, what do u think, i own a cable network or sumthing...
I am very shy around the opposite gender: Not shy, but quite reserved...
I can be paranoid at times: To myself only...
I currently have a crush on someone: Crush? i am not familiar with the word...hehe...
I currently regret something that I have done: nopes, i never regret anything...if i didn't make any mistake in the first place, how wud i learn then...
I enjoy country music: Definitely
I enjoy smoothies: yea
I enjoy talking on the phone: Hate it....can never figure out what to talk about....
I have a hard time paying attention at school/work: Yes, i luv Table Tennis, thats where ul find me, at the Table Tennis area, specially when the uni is about to close...
I have a hidden talent: Ive been trying to figure it out...no luck so far, but im sure that there must be sumthing hidden....
I have a lot to learn: Ya, my ABCs....
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal: hmmmm...No...hey, its true
1. Are you currently mad at someone? Ya, everyone, except for just one person...
2. Which of your friends has the worst temper? I'm the one with the worst temper, everyone is afraid ov my temper...
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone: Ya, i once threw a battery at my cousin and it hit his eye....
4. Ever something was thrown at you: Cash....lolz
5. When you’re mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell and scream? Yell and Scream....
1. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party for you: ya, i get such birthday parties....
2. Are you easily excited: ya, sure....
3. What you’re most excited about:: Computer games
4. If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought? Its gunna take me a year to count all this cash....
5. If you could have anything right now what would it be? A Library...
1. Name: Muhammad Umair Akram Shah....(ive been asked to shorten my name, but why shud i?)
2. Where were you born? Ask my mom....
3. What’s your main goal in life? Be a better person...
4. How do you want to die? il leave that to the God to decide...
1. Sex before marriage? il think about it....seriously, no..im a religious person....
2. Gay Marriage? stop it already.....
3. Lower the Drinking age? id say, reduce the life by drinking....its bad for ur health....
4. Recycling? what exactly r we recycling here....ya, sure, that wud be great...
1. What was your latest dream? i was at the uni, n everyone wuz my slave...
2. Have any of your dreams come true? A lot of them...
3. What was the weirdest dream you’ve ever had: well, i am not in the habit ov telling my dreams to other people....but hey, if u wana know, contact me in peson...
4: How many beds did you lay in yesterday? 2
5: What color shirt are you wearing? Black
6: Name one thing that you do everyday? send text messages
7: How much cash do you have on you right now? 184500
8: When was the last time you saw your dad? some 3 and a half years ago...til he was still alive...
9: When was the last time you saw your mom? an hour ago
10: What did you have for dinner last night? chicken and roti, and coke
11: What’s the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone? never borrow n never lend
12: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? orkut n yahoo
13: Does anything hurt on your body right now? my head
1. Have you ever failed a class?: ya, just once...a few months back
2. Have you ever sung in front of a crowd? ya, im a professional singer ;-) il be soon
3. Have you ever not taken a shower for 3 days? never, i cant stand the gross odour
4. Have you ever slept with a night light? as a matter of fact, i have...at my grand mumz place
5. Have you ever danced in the rain? uhh, r we supposed to? never
6. Have you ever lied? who doesn't....
7. Have you ever tripped over something stupid? yaa, stairs are the most common thing, n that too, in front of chicks...
1. Samosa, Pakora, Kebab: oh, cant i pick all three, i wud go for pakoras...
2. Bollywood, Lollywood and Hollywood: Hollywood
3. Love marriage, Arranged marriage: Love
4. Honeymoon, no moon: Honeymoon....
5. How many kids would u like 1,2, 3+ : 2, a boy n a girl
6. Kulfi, Ice cream: Ice cream, so can i have my pick now (i want a feast)
7. Shah ruk khan, Orlando Bloom: uhmm, how about none of the above...why isnt Johnny Depp here?
8. Meenar-e-Pakistan, Eiffel Tower: Eiffel Tower, cuz ive seen it...not for real dumbo, on TV...
9. Lahore, Khi, Islmbad : Karachi, cuz i live here...Islamabad, cuz its got the hottest chicks, n Lahore, cuz its got great food...
All, who have not been tagged
Addition to my Library!!
earlier today, or rather yesterday, cuz it wuz August 19th that i went to Liberty Books to buy a copy of Herman Hesse's Narziss and Goldmund...but that book wuz no where to be found...so i had the store guy write it down for me, hez gunna give me a call as soon as he gets it...so, i thought what am i gunna do in the meanwhile, so i got myself a couple of other books...
They're written by a new author, but my my, he sure as hell knows how to write...i bought, "Amulet of Samarkand" and "The Golem's Eye" by Jonathon Stroud...i luv the first one already, they're both parts of a trilogy...
well, thats about it....
cheers folks!!!
They're written by a new author, but my my, he sure as hell knows how to write...i bought, "Amulet of Samarkand" and "The Golem's Eye" by Jonathon Stroud...i luv the first one already, they're both parts of a trilogy...
well, thats about it....
cheers folks!!!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Its Raining Men!!!
lolz....yesterday's rain, well, it wuz one ov the most amazing rains that i hav witnessed my entire life....it wuz fun, n i sooo much enjoyed it...
but later in the evening it scared the hell outta me, when i heard the lightning....it seemed that the lightning hit something twice...n it wuz then that i started sending text messages to all my friends...thank God, every one was alrite...
and when i went outside today, there wuz no sign ov rain...
hmmm...it shows that what a wonderful treat the sun is....
well, wish u all brighter days ahead...
Cheers folks!!!
but later in the evening it scared the hell outta me, when i heard the lightning....it seemed that the lightning hit something twice...n it wuz then that i started sending text messages to all my friends...thank God, every one was alrite...
and when i went outside today, there wuz no sign ov rain...
hmmm...it shows that what a wonderful treat the sun is....
well, wish u all brighter days ahead...
Cheers folks!!!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
My Mid Term Exam!!!
well as u all know, i had to take Investment Banking, AGAIN, this summer, and today was the mid term paper....
I had got 20 marks out of 25...so in a way, i was well prepared, and it turns out that the teacher gave 98 % from the previous mid term paper, and what a joy it was...there was a question in which we had to write just 4 points and i wrote 17, there were only 4, and the 17 i wrote, well, none of them were correct...lolz...
so, this time around, i answered correctly....
Later today, after the exam, i went to the stock exchange to get the annual report, for reference for my term report....heck, it was extremely tiring...but that's part of the routine...
Anyhow, quite an exciting and eventful day if u ask me...
Cheers folks....
I had got 20 marks out of 25...so in a way, i was well prepared, and it turns out that the teacher gave 98 % from the previous mid term paper, and what a joy it was...there was a question in which we had to write just 4 points and i wrote 17, there were only 4, and the 17 i wrote, well, none of them were correct...lolz...
so, this time around, i answered correctly....
Later today, after the exam, i went to the stock exchange to get the annual report, for reference for my term report....heck, it was extremely tiring...but that's part of the routine...
Anyhow, quite an exciting and eventful day if u ask me...
Cheers folks....
Independance Day!!!
Independance day yesterday, and i spent the day snoozing....pretty much a boring day if u ask me...nothing to do, nothing special...so nothing to report...just that it was the Independance Day and 59 years ago, Pakistan became an Independant State, or did it...hmmmm....
Cheers folks...
Cheers folks...
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Its Me Birthday, yaaay!!!!
oh, just a few minutes left, till my birthday is over....
today wuz an awsome day...i went to my own birthday party that my friends threw for me.... we had a great time, n the rain poured heavily today as well...
the best part wuz when we jammed, i played the electric guitar for the first time, (i prefer accoustic)....anyhow, it wuz great, then we went out to enjoy the rain.....
but sumhow, i felt a little sad, cuz there wuz someone that i really missed....and i wish, that person cud hav been there on this occasion...
well, gotta go wish my friend, cuz its his birthday as its midnite already, my dear friend, Saqib's birthday....wow, it is parallel to Pakistan's....14th August....
cheers folks....
luv y'all
today wuz an awsome day...i went to my own birthday party that my friends threw for me.... we had a great time, n the rain poured heavily today as well...
the best part wuz when we jammed, i played the electric guitar for the first time, (i prefer accoustic)....anyhow, it wuz great, then we went out to enjoy the rain.....
but sumhow, i felt a little sad, cuz there wuz someone that i really missed....and i wish, that person cud hav been there on this occasion...
well, gotta go wish my friend, cuz its his birthday as its midnite already, my dear friend, Saqib's birthday....wow, it is parallel to Pakistan's....14th August....
cheers folks....
luv y'all
Saturday, August 12, 2006
One More Day To Go....
oh today is 12th of August, and its going to be my birthday tomorrow...
just one day before Pakistan's Independance Day...i've got this huge wishlist, but it seems, therez no one to wish me, and give me presents...
so, if anyone reads this blog, kindly atleast wish me on my Birthday, pretty please....
Cheers folks....
just one day before Pakistan's Independance Day...i've got this huge wishlist, but it seems, therez no one to wish me, and give me presents...
so, if anyone reads this blog, kindly atleast wish me on my Birthday, pretty please....
Cheers folks....
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Nothing new!!!
Well, i received a credit card statement today, i owe a lot to Standard Chartered...Talked to my brother on the phone, who is currently living in Islamabad...He calls me "Pretty Little Dum Dum"
me sad for that, :-(
Well, nothing new besides that...
Take carez peeps!!!
me sad for that, :-(
Well, nothing new besides that...
Take carez peeps!!!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Nothing New!!!!
Monday, August 7, 2006
Well, it was the happiest day of August for me, cuz my most special person had returned from a long vacation, and came to visit me at the University. She was looking so adorable and stunning. Even the other guys were looking at her.
She had brought the most amazing of things for me, and the best was the Mini Quran. ooohhh, and i love the snickers, yaaay....
When she left, i felt so alone...:(
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
I paid the University fee for the summers today. Nothing new so far, besides that. Lets see how the day goes.
Well, it was the happiest day of August for me, cuz my most special person had returned from a long vacation, and came to visit me at the University. She was looking so adorable and stunning. Even the other guys were looking at her.
She had brought the most amazing of things for me, and the best was the Mini Quran. ooohhh, and i love the snickers, yaaay....
When she left, i felt so alone...:(
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
I paid the University fee for the summers today. Nothing new so far, besides that. Lets see how the day goes.
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